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HR staff recruitment


HR staff recruitment is a service of search, selection and recruitment of HR specialists for companies of various sizes. HR specialists play an important role in a company as they are responsible for attracting, developing and retaining staff.


There are a number of factors to consider when selecting HR personnel. It is important to choose a recruitment method that is most effective for a given company. In order to find the right candidate, you can use a variety of recruitment methods and technologies, conduct a social media search, engage recruiters or use the services of outsourcing companies.


Antal Talent is a leading recruitment agency that provides HR recruitment services. Our team of professional recruiters search for candidates for vacancies of leading companies in the labor market.


Our company has a base of experienced professionals, which allows us to select the best candidates for each position, taking into account all the requirements of the customer. We know how important it is to find the right employee not only for a specific vacancy, but also for the team and the company as a whole.


Recruitment stages

Antal Talent consultants search for candidates based on the requirements set by the client. We analyze resumes, conduct interviews and assess the applicant's qualifications and personal qualities. We also provide clients with information about the labor market and help formulate candidate requirements.
We then provide clients with a report on the results of the search and selection of candidates. If the client selects a candidate, we support both parties in preparing an offer and agreeing the candidate's release date. If the client does not find the right person, we continue the search and provide new candidates.
Once we find a suitable candidate, we can conduct professional testing and competency assessments to ensure that the candidate meets the client's requirements.
Another important aspect of HR recruitment is the interview. At this stage, you can assess the candidate's qualifications and personal qualities in more detail, as well as learn about his or her work experience and motivation. It is important to ask open-ended questions to get the most complete information about the potential employee.
If a customer has any questions or concerns while working with our agency, we are always available to provide advice and assistance. We strive to make our cooperation with clients as productive and beneficial as possible for all parties. In addition, we can analyze and optimize the recruitment process to increase efficiency and reduce the cost of HR staff search and selection.

When a service is needed

The absence of an experienced HR professional can lead to low productivity, employee dissatisfaction and consequently, losses for the organization.

Since HR department deals with recruitment and selection of candidates, the quality of HR personnel directly affects the success of the business. If a company needs a professional HR specialist, it should turn to Antal Talent recruiting agency.

Selection criteria

Experience and education
When selecting HR personnel, it is important to consider many factors. We have high requirements for candidates for the position of HR specialist. It is important that the candidate has a specialized education and experience in the field of HR.
Soft skills
When selecting HR-specialists we also take into account personal qualities of candidates, such as communication skills, empathy, ability to listen and understand the needs of others, as well as the ability to organize the work of employees.

Advantages of cooperation with us

Each of our experts has an established pool of candidates that we can show you as soon as possible after taking a position.
We aim to find the best candidates on the market at the best price for your company. We identify the true motivation of each specialist and present you from the most favourable side, emphasising the advantages important for each specialist.
98% of our candidates successfully pass the probation period. If the employee is not suitable, we look for a replacement.
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