Main / Sales staff recruitment

Sales staff recruitment


Sales recruitment is a service for finding and selecting specialists for the sales department - the key department in the matter of bringing profit to the business. Sales managers directly affect the profitability of the company, so the selection of such employees and managers is extremely important.


Recruitment stages

We draw up a detailed portrait of the candidate, including a description of work experience, educational requirements, professional and personal competences.
We specify the position in the company for which a sales specialist is needed, including at which stage of the sales chain the candidate will work, with whom he/she will interact most of all, what key metrics fall within his/her area of responsibility.
Search for job seekers from our own database. Over 25 years of experience, we have built up an extensive CV database of ambitious and qualified high calibre candidates, including those in sales.
After screening our own database, we begin to seek candidates through other open and closed channels, including recommendations and personal connections from our sales-focused consultants.
We conduct initial screening and blitz interviews with selected candidates so that you get a selection of the best sales managers and other requested specialists.
We provide you with a list of finalists for you to interview in person and select those who are the best fit for you, including corporate culture, value match and motivation system.

When a service is needed

Sales recruitment is necessary both on a permanent basis and when launching new projects - for example, when entering new regions, expanding the product line, and when ambitious and growing revenue plans for the new quarter or year.

Working in sales requires special skills, because the ability to follow scripts does not make a person a good salesperson. A comprehensive approach to selecting candidates is important here. We always set requirements adequate to the market, we look at the background of each applicant, and first at his results rather than his duties.

Lack of competent specialists and effective sales managers threatens the business with a banal failure to fulfil the plan, loss of profit and potential deterioration of positions in a highly competitive market.

When sourcing and selecting sales professionals, hiring managers often have problems with a standardised approach to the search with cliché questions like "sell me this pen". Worthwhile professionals can certainly do that, but they come to interviews and apply for positions with an interest in developing in the field, not to prove something in an interview.

When applying to an agency for sales recruitment you minimise the risks of incorrect positioning of your company and the vacancy, significantly expand the database of candidates, and most importantly buy the expertise of professionals who are familiar with the peculiarities of the industry, and understand how to attract experienced professionals.

Selection criteria

Learning from previous experience
When selecting sales managers, we focus not only on their experience, but also on feedback and recommendations from former colleagues and managers, their specialisation and specific, quantifiable achievements in previous jobs. All other things being equal, we favour a candidate who has worked in companies with a similar sales system to yours, which means they are already familiar with the processes and will not take long to adapt.
Assessment of communication skills
We also pay a lot of attention to the candidate's soft skills and how they fit with your audience profile - will this person be able to sell fittings or professional manicure machines? Can he or she connect with your product audience?

Benefits of partnering with a recruitment agency

Finding and selecting specialists for business priorities is our main job, which we have been successfully coping with for more than 20 years. We are able to find staff for different sales channels, of any specialization, in wide and narrow segments.
The team of our recruitment agency employs more than 100 people, including a separate department specializing in recruitment in marketing and sales. You can be sure that a distributed team and simultaneous search for specialists for your vacancy by several people will be faster and more effective than inhouse recruitment by your HR manager.
98% of our candidates successfully complete their probationary period. If an employee is not suitable, we look for a replacement free of charge.
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