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Staff and candidate testing


Staff testing is a service which entails performing tests to discover respondents’ personality traits and the effect of various factors on workflow and motivation. Test tools and methods also help obtain information about leadership qualities of specialists and managers.


Why use testing? Testing will help employees and candidates better understand their personality traits, enabling them to make informed choices about vacancies and companies which would be a perfect match of their capabilities and desires. When compiling a CV, candidates will be able to emphasize their personal strengths, with the wording taken from a professional testing system and supported by test results rather than being a mere assertion.


Companies will be able to select employees best suited for the position. For example, it will be easier to see at once whether a candidate will feel comfortable working in a given team or in a given psychological climate, whether he or she will be able to cope with the workload, and whether the ‘stress resistant’ part of their CV will prove to be true. At an interview, you will be able to verify the test results and complete the picture with your personal impressions.

We are pleased to offer a range of options for staff and candidate testing so that you can make the right, informed choice.

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Stages of staff or candidate testing

An Antal Talent consultant contacts you and the test-taking employee to describe the procedure and, if necessary, answer questions.
The test-taking employee receives an email from Antal Talent with instructions and a link to the test.
The employee completes an online questionnaire.
You receive a detailed report from Antal Talent containing the results of the test. If necessary, we can also assist with interpretation. The interpretation can be done by one of our certified experts as an additional service.

Types of tests

1. Personal Profile Analysis using Thomas PPA System

This is a personality test which can help in developing one's career and in selecting the best candidates. The test is organized in such a way that there are no so-called socially acceptable answers, so candidates give unbiased and more honest answers.

Candidates: the test will help you choose a suitable vacancy by comparing job requirements with your personality traits.

Employers: testing will help build efficient teams, understand factors that motivate and demotivate employees, and analyse how stress and competition affect employees.
2. Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQUE)

Emotional intelligence is the ability to build effective relationships with other people in order to achieve work objectives or attain the desired quality of life. An EQ test will give you an understanding of yourself and other people and will enable you to use this knowledge to achieve your goals.

Candidates: the test will highlight your strengths and growth areas in emotional intelligence (EI). You will learn more about the ways in which your self-motivation and self-control work, and about what you can do to become even more efficient, both in your work and in your personal life.

Employers: testing will help minimize recruitment errors, see in advance whether a candidate's or an employee's profile matches a job profile, and devise a program for employee leadership development.
General Intelligence Assessment (GIA)

General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) is a test for assessing a person's level of general intelligence. It consists of five online tests of basic cognitive abilities: thought, language, decision making, learning, and memory. The overall score measures the respondent's ‘learnability’.

Candidates: the test will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses. You will receive a detailed profile report with a breakdown into five segments:
speed of information comprehension;
logical reasoning ability;
numerical reasoning ability;
ability to operate objects in imagination;
verbal reasoning ability.

Employers: the test will give you not only a detailed picture of a candidate's aptitudes but also an idea of how quickly the person can adapt to a new position or responsibilities. The method demonstrates what duties the employee is most comfortable with and what cause tension and discomfort.
4. Leadership Skills test

The Leadership Skills test based on PPA (Personal Profile Analysis) helps identify a person's individual leadership style, their potential, and their strengths and weaknesses as a leader.

Candidates: the test will help determine your personal style of communication and presentation, assess your time management and planning skills, show your possible growth areas as a leader, and point at the leadership style which you will find the most effective.

Employers: the test will identify the leader's strengths and potential weaknesses. It will demonstrate a leader's (candidate's or employee's) decision-making style and show how it correlates with the profiles of his or her current or potential employees.

Benefits of partnering with a recruitment agency

High level of expertise
Antal Talent is a long-time partner of Thomas International, a leading staff assessment and testing company.
Great experience
Over the 25 years that we've been in the market, we have accumulated an extensive pool of experts and coaches who will assist you with not only doing the tests but also interpreting the results correctly and using them in practice effectively.
Large selection of services
Our activities go beyond testing. If, based on test results, you see that you need new employees or training courses for your current ones, you can apply to Antal Talent for solving any HR issues.
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