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Finance recruitment


Finance recruitment is a service for finding and hiring employees specialising in finance - from tellers to chief accountants and CFOs. We help to form a financial department in the company, find people who cover the most important tasks of your business.


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Stages of recruitment

In the first stage of the recruitment process, we search our own database of applicants and use a system of contacts and references to find the most suitable candidates.
Next is the initial screening and testing of candidates. We check their knowledge and professional competence in order to invite the best specialists for interviews.
During the interview we speak on behalf of the company and "sell" you to candidates, tell them about the product, the organisation's direction, outline the possible area of professional skills development.
After selecting the best candidates, we pass them to you for a personal interview. You make the final decision on your own or with the help of our consultants. On average, the process of searching for specialists in an agency takes two weeks.

When recruitment is necessary

Recruitment in accounting and finance is a sensitive issue, as not only work experience is important, but also the personal qualities of candidates. It is important that trust is formed between the manager and the new employee.

Missing positions threaten problems with financial reporting, tax accounting and so on. Every entrepreneur knows how valuable a good accountant is and how difficult it can be to find one.

When recruiting financial personnel, it is important to use not only open sources, but also to look for candidates who are not looking for work on their own and do not enter the labour market. For this purpose, you can turn to Antal Talent agency with its own closed database of job seekers and professional consultants who understand the field from the inside and understand the motivation of candidates much better than the average hr-manager.

Recruitment services in finance can be relevant both when looking for specialists for current vacancies in an organisation, and when developing a business or opening a new company - for example, you need an accountant for a subsidiary or a new division.

Selection criteria

Screening and testing
We check work experience, previous work experience and type of organisation. During testing, we assess the qualifications of specialists and verify subject matter knowledge.
Learning from previous experience
We look in detail at the functionality of previous jobs, whether the candidate had experience in auditing and tax audits, optimisation and operational maintenance of financial and management accounting, experience in budgeting.
Interview with the candidate
We check the candidates' true motivation and assess the prospects of working in the client's company - how much the corporate values coincide with the applicant's values, whether you will be comfortable working together and whether the cooperation will be productive.

Benefits of partnering with a recruitment agency

The agency's large team of recruiters closes vacancies faster than a single hr-manager within the company. You can delegate the hiring and be sure of quick receipt of the first CVs of selected candidates.
Resource saving
You save your own financial resources by promptly closing vacancies and attracting staff to meet your business objectives.
Risk minimization
You eliminate errors associated with the specifics of assessing financial professionals and accountants.


98% of our placed candidates pass probation. If an employee is not suitable, we find a replacement free of charge.
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