Mass recruitment is a service which lets you hire a large number of line personnel, workmen, or interns all at once. This may be useful for project work, seasonal or rotational work, or when you expand your business or want to raise productivity.
By employing a recruitment agency you'll save time which can be invested in selecting higher qualified staff for other positions in the company. This way you'll be able to arrange multiple parallel recruitment processes while also speeding up the process of launching a new project, opening a new store, or starting a new line of business.
The main feature of mass recruitment is the tight deadline. To find such a great number of candidates quickly, it's vital to have an extensive CV database. Antal's database contains over 500,000 candidates.
Staff categories
We source candidates in nearly all areas, but with mass recruitment we specialise in industries where it is commonly necessary to hire large numbers of specialists at the same time:- retail: продавцы, кассиры, мерчендайзеры, промоутеры;
- administrative positions: секретари, ассистенты отделов, операторы колл-центра, офис-менеджер, cпециалист чат-поддержки;
- hotels and restaurant business: официанты, горничные, бариста, повара, бармены
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Stages of recruitment
Benefits of partnering with a recruitment agency
Openings of the same type must be closed as quickly as possible, so delegating recruitment to Antal will let you turn your attention to other business areas and stay focused on strategic goals.
We have a large candidate database and we check the motivation of each prospective employee during the interview to minimize staff turnover. We select only candidates who are certain to continue working in the company and won't leave after the first week.
We guarantee that you will receive the fullest information about each candidate. In case a placed employee doesn't pass probation, we'll find and hire a new employee free of charge.
They trust us
Other services
Executive Search is one of the most difficult and delicate HR tasks, since it is managers and top management who influence the development of the company, its financial indicators and the effectiveness of employees.
Management Selection is a service for the search and selection of qualified mid—level employees.